Paraffin Wax ,Microcrystalline Wax MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet ,Scented Candles ,Pillar Candles ,Tea Light Candles ,Test Report ,China Factory

Qingdao Yuan Bridge Houseware Co., Ltd  Solemnly Declare:

  • Our more than 90% of candle orders are made of natural soy wax, beeswax, coconut wax and vegetable wax that are healthy, environmentally friendly, and ECO friendly .
  • Only when the customer explicitly requests to use paraffin wax , then we will use paraffin wax material.
  • But The recovered paraffin Wax is decolorized by sulfuric acid, and then crystallizes again to form a white wax block after eliminating impurities, which is cheap.
  • Ann an cèir paraffin ath-chuairtichte tha searbhag sulfarach, a bhios a’ bleith an t-slighe analach daonna, clò craiceann, msaa, ge bith an ann ann a bhith a’ dèanamh choinnlean no ann an losgadh.
  • Tha seo gu tur an aghaidh feallsanachd slàinte a’ chompanaidh againn, ge bith an e ar luchd-obrach, luchd-obrach no ceannardan a th’ againn, cha ghabh iad uile ri cleachdadh cèir paraffin ath-chuartaichte.
  • In China, the largest oil refinery is Sinopec . All the paraffin wax in our factory used are come from Sinopec.
  • “Material Safety Data Sheet” is abbreviated as “MSDS”, which is mainly used to describe the chemical properties of wax.

The following is the “Material Safety Data Sheet” test report for Paraffin Waxand Microcrystalline Wax.

Paraffin Wax ,Microcrystalline Wax MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet ,Scented Candles ,Pillar Candles ,Tea Light Candles ,Test Report ,China Factory-VSCOLLECTION- Coinnlean, Coinnlean le Aromatherapy, Coinnlean Aromatherapy, Coinnlean Soy, Coinnlean Vegan, Coinnlean Jar, Coinnlean Colbh, Seataichean Tiodhlac Coinnle, Ola riatanach, Reed Diffuser, Sealbh Coinnle,

Paraffin Wax ,Microcrystalline Wax MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet ,Scented Candles ,Pillar Candles ,Tea Light Candles ,Test Report ,China Factory-VSCOLLECTION- Coinnlean, Coinnlean le Aromatherapy, Coinnlean Aromatherapy, Coinnlean Soy, Coinnlean Vegan, Coinnlean Jar, Coinnlean Colbh, Seataichean Tiodhlac Coinnle, Ola riatanach, Reed Diffuser, Sealbh Coinnle,

Paraffin Wax ,Microcrystalline Wax MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet ,Scented Candles ,Pillar Candles ,Tea Light Candles ,Test Report ,China Factory-VSCOLLECTION- Coinnlean, Coinnlean le Aromatherapy, Coinnlean Aromatherapy, Coinnlean Soy, Coinnlean Vegan, Coinnlean Jar, Coinnlean Colbh, Seataichean Tiodhlac Coinnle, Ola riatanach, Reed Diffuser, Sealbh Coinnle,

Paraffin Wax ,Microcrystalline Wax MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet ,Scented Candles ,Pillar Candles ,Tea Light Candles ,Test Report ,China Factory-VSCOLLECTION- Coinnlean, Coinnlean le Aromatherapy, Coinnlean Aromatherapy, Coinnlean Soy, Coinnlean Vegan, Coinnlean Jar, Coinnlean Colbh, Seataichean Tiodhlac Coinnle, Ola riatanach, Reed Diffuser, Sealbh Coinnle,

Paraffin Wax ,Microcrystalline Wax MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet ,Scented Candles ,Pillar Candles ,Tea Light Candles ,Test Report ,China Factory-VSCOLLECTION- Coinnlean, Coinnlean le Aromatherapy, Coinnlean Aromatherapy, Coinnlean Soy, Coinnlean Vegan, Coinnlean Jar, Coinnlean Colbh, Seataichean Tiodhlac Coinnle, Ola riatanach, Reed Diffuser, Sealbh Coinnle,

Paraffin Wax ,Microcrystalline Wax MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet ,Scented Candles ,Pillar Candles ,Tea Light Candles ,Test Report ,China Factory-VSCOLLECTION- Coinnlean, Coinnlean le Aromatherapy, Coinnlean Aromatherapy, Coinnlean Soy, Coinnlean Vegan, Coinnlean Jar, Coinnlean Colbh, Seataichean Tiodhlac Coinnle, Ola riatanach, Reed Diffuser, Sealbh Coinnle,

Paraffin Wax ,Microcrystalline Wax MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet ,Scented Candles ,Pillar Candles ,Tea Light Candles ,Test Report ,China Factory-VSCOLLECTION- Coinnlean, Coinnlean le Aromatherapy, Coinnlean Aromatherapy, Coinnlean Soy, Coinnlean Vegan, Coinnlean Jar, Coinnlean Colbh, Seataichean Tiodhlac Coinnle, Ola riatanach, Reed Diffuser, Sealbh Coinnle,

Paraffin Wax ,Microcrystalline Wax MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet ,Scented Candles ,Pillar Candles ,Tea Light Candles ,Test Report ,China Factory-VSCOLLECTION- Coinnlean, Coinnlean le Aromatherapy, Coinnlean Aromatherapy, Coinnlean Soy, Coinnlean Vegan, Coinnlean Jar, Coinnlean Colbh, Seataichean Tiodhlac Coinnle, Ola riatanach, Reed Diffuser, Sealbh Coinnle,