- 06
- Jan
How to choose the scent concentration of scented candles made by beeswax from China supplier
How to choose the scent concentration of scented candles made by beeswax from China supplier
Beeswax made scented candles:
The beeswax made in China is purely natural and beneficial to the body. It can be mixed with essential oils at concentration of up to 7%.
(1).Almost all buyers who use beeswax material are only say: “I want the best, the strongest”, the fragrance concentration is 7%.
(2).Or no essential oils at all, no fragrance at all.
(3).Some customers are very special. They not only choose to use the best beeswax, but also add expensive perfume essential oil to the candle, usually choosing a fragrance concentration of 10%.
The order quantity is small and the unit price is very expensive. Both wax materials and essential oils are the best in northern China. This is truly luxurious aromatherapy scented candles.
Beeswax made scented candles:
Common quantity (2K-20K), You can choose a fragrance concentration of 5%-7%.
Unscented for all beeswax candles.
Special order quantity (1K/scent type), strongest fragrance concentration 7%-10%.